Thursday, December 17, 2009


I'm just sayin'.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Sorry, gang; I've been getting a ton of comment spam lately, and so have had to add word verification to the comment process.
It's not a great solution; it feels ableist to me (and annoying to frequent reader Lisa), but I couldn't think of another way to allow anonymous comments and instant comments and kill all that spam. If anyone has a better way that works with Blogger, let me know. You know, assuming you can get past the word verification.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Reasons writing a paper now is so much easier than it was 20 years ago:
  1. There's information on the internet.
  2. My friends actually know stuff. And people. In some cases, they are actually experts.
  3. There are citation generators on the internet. Holy cow.
  4. My house is quiet and empty, with literally no drunk people in the hallway and no one watching 90210 in my suite.
  5. I've been a professional writer for six or seven years.
  6. I was a professional writer about the subject of the class at least some of that time.
  7. I have actually done (most of) the reading for the class.
  8. If I get bored or weary, my inclination is to blog or go for a short walk, rather than to go to the end of the New Jersey Transit line without checking to see if there's even a train back or start self-publishing the most amazing, totally definitive 'zine ever and distributing it.
  9. The presentation that has to come from this paper will be at least partly copied-and-pasted, and will not involve any last-minute runs to the bookstore for markers and extra posterboard.
  10. My computer weighs less than 20 pounds, and is therefore practical to carry around with me. Also, I don't need to keep four different disks with me if I want to write a paper and e-mail it to my professor.