Monday, January 27, 2014

Trying to become the funk in your right

Calvin says this is the most romantic scene in film history.

Which is funny, because I always thought it was this.

Which maybe explains how (or why) I sometimes confuse "sexy" for "romantic."

What's your most romantic (or sexiest) film scene? And are you OK with that?


Joe said...

Always liked this.

Unknown said...

This is MOST romantic. So much so, we used this line in our vows. "You are everything I never knew I always wanted."

It's cute and romantic. Sexy it is not

Mandy said...

Give me Cusack with a jambox. I'm easy.

bzh said...

I'd never thought about this until you asked. Haven't thought about a thing since.

First, I thought my favorite might be this:

Or this:

Then I remembered this:

I'm a sap and yes, I'm good with that.

Mike said...

The most romantic scene I've ever seen is from time index 3:03 to 3:27, and it only has one half of the couple present. So eloquent, so exuberant, so warm'n'fuzzy. I want to be this guy when I grow up.