Some people got an e-mail from me about this book yesterday. But I thought I should probably mention it here, too, with apologies for the blatant solicitation:
This guy I know wrote a book. When I met him, Eric was writing for Time magazine, and he can put a sentence together. He's also engaging, and writing about a subject that matters to everyone. It seems that is not sufficient to become a very successful author. He needs everyone in the world to buy his book on Amazon, today. And by "today," I mean literally, "today," not, "in these modern times." I do not mean "everyone in the world," literally, although, it couldn't hurt.
Do what you like with this information: Buy the book, pass this on, ignore it entirely. But can you really go wrong with a book that has this editorial review up on Amazon?
"Carbon, the citizen king of elements, governs who we are and what life is—but the king is going mad! Citizens, revolt against the despots, or all may be lost!"—James E. Hansen, director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Here's this e-mail from Eric's wife.
Dear friends,
As many of you know, for the past few years my husband Eric Roston has dedicated an enormous amount of time investigating the role carbon plays in our lives. The result of his efforts, The Carbon Age: How Life's Core Element Has Become Civilization's Greatest Threat, was released last week. It is a readable, thoroughly researched book that challenges the fundamental assumptions we make about critical issues facing our society.
The way the book industry is right now, having a big day on Amazon.com can determine the trajectory of a book's success. This is all a preamble to say that MONDAY, JUNE 30, is going to be Eric's "Amazon Day." When brick-and-mortar bookstores see a new book on the Amazon bestseller lists, they take that as a signal to order more books. So, if you were thinking of buying the book or just want to help out, it would be great if you could order The Carbon Age on Amazon on Monday, June 30!! You can click on this link, or this (shrunken) Web address: http://tinyurl.com/3nshxl
Thank you for your attention and support!!
Below are some links that will tell you more about The Carbon Age.
Your pal,
Oh, also, I should say, congratulations, Eric! Good luck today!
1 comment:
"Eric [...] can put a sentence together. He's also engaging, and writing about a subject that matters to everyone. It seems that is not sufficient to become a very successful author."
Sadly, you are correct. The year I spent in the publishing industry was my chance to see the sausage get made.
When it comes to success as an author these days, if writing ability isn't taking a back seat to marketing and promotions, then it's in that open bay at the back of the station wagon, or possibly in the trunk. See also: The Secret.
Best of luck to Eric.
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