Friday, July 29, 2011

Camping it up

I am feeling summer-campy today, and so I'm reposting something here that I originally wrote as a Facebook note a while back, slightly edited. I was reminded of its existence because an old camp friend posted (his slightly edited version of) the morning grace from the camp we share:
Give me clean hands, clean words, clean thoughts.
Help me to stand for the hard right against the easy wrong.
Save me from habits that harm.
Teach me to work as hard and to play as fair, in my sight alone, as if the whole world saw.
Forgive me when I am unkind, and help me to forgive those who are unkind to me.
Send me chances to do a little good each day, so I may grow and know more.
Nice, right?

Anyway, that old note on camp:

The ACA has a "Because of Camp" page with the following instructions:
"List the Top 10 things you loved and/or learned at camp on the Because of Camp…™ Wall, and/or in the “notes” section of your profile and then share those memories by tagging your friends."
I've been to a lot of camps (more than 10), and learned and loved a lot of people and things (more than 10,000, not that I've counted). But I've narrowed down to ten camps, if not ten things.

  1. Because of Pony Farm, I learned to ride. I also met Gene Robinson and his then-wife, Boo, who have had a bigger influence on me than I suspect either of them knows.

  2. Because of Aloha Hive, I started deliberately not wearing big logos on my clothes. I first heard the beautiful thwack of an arrow hitting a target, I hollered in an echoey tunnel, I learned to paddle a canoe, I made baskets while sitting at the end of the dock with my toes holding reeds in the water.

  3. Because of that one computer camp I don't remember the name of, I know that I had — and have — a capacity for smarts that weren't just about reading and writing.

  4. Because of The Philadelphia School's summer program, I found a book that changed my life and remains one that I wrestle with, tried falafel for the first time, and was inspired to learn Latin.

  5. Because of Middlesex School Summer Arts, I learned to get along with the "cool kids" by acting as though I felt as confident as I wanted to be. I also learned my first sun salutation.

  6. Because of Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall Summer Theater School, I know I can sing, loud, if I'll just relax into it. I also know the techies are the ones really having all the fun.

  7. Because of Jacob and Rose Grossman Day Camp, I learned not to try to pass, even when I could. And that Hydrox are kosher, unlike Oreos.

  8. Because of Camp Takodah, I have some of the best friends I've ever had. I'm more comfortable taking risks, more comfortable taking charge. I also learned the phrase "take the hard right against the easy wrong," which I still say at least weekly.

  9. Because of Hornet's Nest, I'm confident in my ability to hire and manage and sing the sardines song.

  10. Because of Week in the Park, I know that you can run a summer program for kids in the horriblest heat, even without a swimming facility — as long as there's an ice rink.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Half full of what?

Remember Rick Warren?

Yeah, me, too. Still bitter, in fact.

Oh, and so is he.

What I want

Discovery of the day: Sometimes, "It's my birthday; I can do what I want," means, "I'm going to regurgitate this cucumber back into my gin and tonic."

Not when I say it. When I say it, it usually means, "Sure, I'll have dessert," or maybe, "I'll buy these shoes."

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Maybe the third side is an ice cream truck

This morning, I passed a City of Keene van that said "Animal Control" on the left side.

Naturally, I wondered what the animal-based emergency was.

Then I observed that the back of the same van said "Traffic Light Repair."

Is it just me, or do those seem like they'd require very different skills? And equipment, for that matter.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Neither rain, nor sleet, nor gloom of night...

In 2004, I went on a fantastic trip to Scotland with my family.

As was my custom in those days, I sent post cards back. To all of my coworkers. No, let me clarify. To each of my coworkers.

Today, I had this Facebook exchange:
[Former coworker]: were you in scotland recently?
[bzzzzgrrrl]: Um, no, as I believe I told you, Lewes, DE. Why?
[bzzzzgrrrl]: Were YOU in Scotland recently?
[Former coworker]: [Other former coworker] just got your postcard.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

31 Days of Secrets and Lies: Day 31

The total secret-to-lie ratio is 15:16. That includes this post.

31 Days of Secrets & Lies: Day 30

Salmon is to taste as cowbell is to sound.

31 Days of Secrets & Lies: Day 29

I have a fear of dogs, but only when they are in water.



Sans Chevy Chase

I am on vacation. Here is how you can tell:
  • My toenails are painted mint green.
  • I am sore from exercise and yet intend to do a bunch more. I do not know why I am so much more inclined to exercise on vacation, I only know that I am.
  • I don't know whether I have a meeting on Monday. That's right, I have actually left work behind.
  • I actually read the two books of the graphic novel I've been carrying around since January-ish.
  • I had a cheeseburger for breakfast yesterday morning.
  • I'm sitting in a cafĂ© with my first cousins once removed, one of whom lives in Minnesota and the other of whom lives in California, discussing the mystery of how a foot gets apparently beet-stained in Berlin.
  • I saw this sunrise:

    and this sunset:

  • I owe you four blog posts (three secrets and lies, one "where I'm from" that most of you don't even know is coming). Ha! Just kidding! It's not vacation that is keeping me from posting, it's me that is keeping me from posting. As always!
I am on vacation for real, though.

31 Days of Secrets & Lies: Day 28

I wrote this after skipping Day 28 and writing days 29 and 30, then predated it so it would show up earlier.

Friday, July 8, 2011

31 Days of Secrets and Lies: Day 27

I am not yet ready to declare, as one impressive friend (and reader) has, that I have "for certain, and with no regrets, broken up with Diet Coke." But I haven't had one in two days, and don't plan on having one today.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

31 Days of Secrets and Lies: Day 26

The last adult penis I saw was Daniel Radcliffe's.

Also, I originally wrote, "The last adult penis I saw was Harry Potter's," which was funnier, but Harry Potter's a kid, so it didn't make sense. And was creepy.

31 Days of Secrets and Lies: Day 25

When I want to feel like a rich lady on vacation, I go get a lobster sandwich at D'Angelo.

I want to feel like a rich lady on vacation more than you would think.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

31 Days of Secrets and Lies: Day 24

I spent literally 45 minutes today trying to learn enough Photoshop to graft dragon wings onto an owl. I still do not know that much Photoshop, but decided that the image I found of an owl with angel wings and a halo was sufficient for the point I was trying to make to my coworker.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

31 Days of Secrets and Lies: Day 23

Fireworks as we know them were invented by Benjamin Franklin in France, for the express purpose of irritating his neighbors and scaring their horses.

Monday, July 4, 2011

31 Days of Secrets & Lies: Day 22

Living in New Hampshire, I have had opportunity to hear dozens of presidential hopefuls, and I've attended two presidential inaugurations. The two actual presidents I've actually met were Ford and Clinton.

I'm sure there's a joke there, but I'm not the one who has it.