Friday, January 6, 2012

A few words (and a video) on NH politics

Those of you who've been following the blog since the beginning will remember that it started because so many of my DC friends seemed to think moving to New Hampshire would be like moving to a different planet. For a few days, I kept up with those DC friends by sending mass e-mails, and then thought maybe a blog made more sense.

I still do some of those posts about what a different world New Hampshire is from DC, sometimes, but not as much as I used to, because I've settled into what I usually think of as a pretty ordinary ruralish life up here. The funny stories are at my expense more often than they're at New Hampshire's expense.

My extended family, from places like California and Connecticut and Maryland and Massachusetts and New York and Washington state, has not entirely escaped the can-you-believe-this saga, because they are more likely to ask how my job is going, and are more likely, therefore, to get treated to a big dose of New Hampshire politics — particularly over the summer, when the legislature cut more than half its already-smallest-in-the-nation appropriations to higher ed. That has very real repercussions for me, the people I work with, the students I work for, our ability to serve the community...

Anyway, Rachel Maddow did a thing on Republicans in New Hampshire, and I liked it.

For your edification, here's some of the ridiculousness going on in the state that isn't about electing a president:
If you don't understand why I think some of these things are ridiculous, please ask. I'm happy to:
  • explain, or 
  • have my mind changed.
I would love to think it's not as bad as it seems.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Hmm. I DO love a good Magna Carta reference.
Don't feel bad, CMC. I don't think this stuff is confined to New Hampshire.
Down here in your old state of Virginia, the House once debated the criminalization of wearing "saggy" jeans.