Specifically, The Dark Knight.
Now, one nice thing about not having TV is that I have really not been exposed to any of the hype around this movie at all. So things were surprisey. It was great. Anxiety-inducing, a little, but great. Tremendous political commentary, too, although I am not sure the filmmakers and I are on the same side of certain issues.
And now I want to talk about some stuff, but I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, especially since the stuff I really would like someone to explain to me is from the endish of the movie. My go-to comic book guy has not been able to help me, which probably means my understanding of this is beyond helping (maybe because it actually didn't make sense). But if you have seen it, and are burning to discuss this movie, particularly the part that doesn't make any sense, get in touch.
Oh, and about images on here. Yeah, some of them are weird. I am trying to only use images in the public domain. This is not always easy, but it is often hilarious. I mean, right?
Yeah, about these images. Where do you go to find them? I ask because I am exceptionally lazy, and entirely unwilling to research whether an image is copyright-protected.
Wiki Commons. If you go to Wikipedia and click on the "Commons" link at the bottom, there's lots and lots of stuff with assorted rules. Some images can be used if you credit the artist or contributor. Some stuff is in the public domain.
I've read the graphic novel "The Dark Knight" and while it is groundbreaking and stylish, I also find it reactionary and racist. Just one of my issues with Frank Miller, the author/artist. Whether that carries over into the movie, I don't know, I haven't seen it yet, and I've avoided the hype.
You could make an argument for reactionary, but if it is racist, I am too blind to see that (certainly possible). (Actually that's not totally true; there was one moment in the movie that struck me as racist, but it was really only one moment, and it does not strike me as more racist than everything else on TV and in the movies. I know that that's not saying much.)
A Person Who'd Know suggested that the Joker parts of the plot may have been heavily influenced by Alan Moore's The Killing Joke, which I have read, but not lately. I have not read The Dark Knight, but may have to, in hopes that it will explain the one weird plot point I referred to in my post.
I cannot wait to have the opportunity to have this conversation with you in person.
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