Saturday, August 2, 2008

In which I compare my family to a wide receiver

There is much to post about. I'll try to get to it.
It has been a family-filled week, though, and so much fun I have wanted to use my time this week pretty much entirely for working, playing, and sleeping. There has been not much blogging, no cooking, very little cleaning. My exercise has consisted of walks (around assorted New England towns) and swims (to islands full of blueberries and away from whoever is It in our game of tag). I even keep forgetting to eat, and those of you who know me well may find that shocking. We are a slow-moving beast, but we have a good time.
And right this second, on the last full day of this very full week, my little house has seven of us in it, in various types of repose: reading, sleeping, playing video games on silent mode, checking the Internets. It is raining (it rains all the time these days). It is cozy here, where we are warm and dry. One of the cousins just commented to me that it is a perfect lazy afternoon, and she is right.
And it is totally quiet.
As, you know, a mouse.

Speaking of quiet, congratulations, Art Monk. About time.


Lisa Clarke said...

I love those kinds of days. Quiet, rainy, full of family making themselves comfortable and at-home, doing their own things, but still enjoying the proximity to one another. Enjoy it :-)

Anonymous said...

Wish I was back there! We drove away (insert anecdotes about the PT Cruiser we rented for the weekend) from the idyillic scene described, into the whirl of "real life," and this is the first I've checked into Mouseland. Thanks, Cuz, other than a mild bump or two (insert anecdote about crazy landlady) it was a great vacation!