Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Family: Large

Happy election day for many people!

Here in my lovely burg, we will be voting for school board and also on a couple of school-related proposals.

As a local paper should, our local paper profiled the candidates for school board:

If you are deeply interested in the local school-related politics of my region, you should read them all.

If you are instead merely curious about why I am so ridiculously, rabidly anti-Free-Stater* — or looking to have your jaw drop in astonishment and amusement — you should just read Ian Freeman's** profile. The comments are excellent, too.

As one friend said, "dude really hates Monopoly."

(Oh, hey. If you live in Keene, please vote today.)

*Sadly, the fact that I have now met a total of one Free Stater who I don't loathe has not turned me around on this.

**Not his legal name, but nonetheless the name he is running with.

1 comment:

bzzzzgrrrl said...

In case you were worried, from the Sentinel:
Susan Hay (1,530 votes), incumbent Carl Panza (1,336) and Marjorie Droppa (1,133) each won three-year terms on the Keene Board of Education, beating out Diane Cyr (1,089) and Ian Freeman (262) for the three open board seats.