Monday, February 18, 2008

And the winner is...

Katie, with a total of 14 points, but not by as much of a landslide as she seemed to think. Carl came in with 11 points, Cousin Mouse's tale of my Lyme Disease scored 9, and my messy room as presented by Cousin Mouse racked up a respectable 6 points.
Thank you all for playing. Based on the specific entrants, first prize and runner-up prizes, will likely all be beer in varying quantities.
Now, we return to stories at my expense by me.


Anonymous said...

Yes, but how did she do among conservative independents in Ohio and soccer moms in Florida?

bzh said...

Do we have any hanging chads?

Anonymous said...

unfortunately there is no paper trail for this voting process. you will have to have faith that i do not have significant influence with blogger. also, according to exit polls, i did best among voters that were anonymous, late, or me.

Anonymous said...

I demand a recount.

bzzzzgrrrl said...

Big talk, Cousin, for someone who did not actually vote.
You too, Mike.