Anyway, here's Whimsy's twist, for which I give her a great deal of credit and no blame whatsoever, because I am apparently a much bigger showoff than her other blog friends:
I want everyone to pick three of their OWN posts. Not a time for modesty, folks. I personally think that we're our hardest critics, but also, we know when we've actually done something pretty well. I want to get some recommendations from you, about you. Three of your favorite posts. Doesn't matter WHY they're you're favorites - but I'd like to hear your reasons too, if you'd like. Otherwise, how's THAT for an easy blog post: here are three things I wrote and I feel pretty good about them. The end.So, here are three things I wrote and I feel pretty good about them:
- Great Interview, Batman. This is the one where I am a big cheat who wants three more wishes. I do love this one (thanks, PMJG), but I admit it's mostly on the list because it's a pretty good intro to CMC, and because it has links to lots of other posts.
- Ice tongue. I am not sure whether it is funnier if you know the players or don't. Either way, you know, it's what we do best around here: funny stories at my expense.
- Rick Rolling. This is not as funny as it sounds like it'd be from the title. It is very long, and very unfunny. But also, I think, worth reading.
Oh, this is an easy one, pally. All things New England rank near the top for me. Particularly these two posts:
Ha ha! I love "Are you worried about this memory loss?"
The moving and desk saga were awesome, too, cuz. The story about buying the deck furniture was fun. I enjoyed the irony of city/country mouse getting mice in her house.
Can I brag about favorite entries from my own blog?
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