Monday, November 21, 2011


I'm starting this post at 11:55, but am determined to finish it today.

Tonight was bowling night, see, as Monday nights are.

I'm in a GLBTQ league at the local bowling alley, see, and my team, Sneaky Pudding, consists of some fantastic folks, and we have a fantastic time. It's just good fun. And it's community is a way that's hard to come by in small-town New England. There are no gay bars here, no gay clubs. Rainbow Bowl is what we've got. Tonight, after bowling, we hung around for a bit to watch the Pats game. So, a late night before an early morning, but I'll take it.

Day 21 of my month of gratitude: I'm thankful for good friends and weekly nights out, for play time and community and the two (out of three) thoroughly decent games I rolled tonight.

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