Thursday, August 21, 2008

There oughtta be a law...

Did you watch Arrested Development?

If not, why not?

I watched a couple of episodes last night, and, gotta say, just as funny as I remember.
Watch me segue into what I really wanted to talk about by quoting from the TV show I was watching. I learned it from sermons.

Michael: What comes before anything? What have we always said is the most important thing?
George Michael: Breakfast.
Michael: Family.
George Michael: Family, right. I thought you meant of the things you eat.
I am not sure that the people out here in the country get the importance of breakfast.

As you know, there are no sports bars here open for breakfast. What, breakfast isn't important enough to watch television during?

And now, hold on to your hats, city-dwellers.

I went to a breakfast meeting earlier this week at which there was no Diet Coke.

What the hell kind of a breakfast meeting is that? How do you expect me to function without such a major category of breakfast food?

Coffee and danish? Are you kidding? That's not breakfast, it's a coffee break from The Dick Van Dyke Show.


Anonymous said...

And Jesus said to them, "Come and have breakfast." None of the disciples dared ask him, "Who are you?" They knew it was the Lord and they knew he would be serving coffee and Danish but no Diet Coke.

John 21:12

Lisa Clarke said...

Haha, brings me back to the days of drinking Coke in my 8:30am math classes. Loved the subject dearly, but it just wasn't infused with enough caffeine to keep me from dozing off in the middle of it. Thank goodness for soda machines in the Hall of Sciences, I say!

Lisa Clarke said...

Oh, and I just noticed you don't use those annoying "captcha" things in your comments.

From the bottom of my heart, Thank You. I find few things more irritating than those.

Lisa Clarke said...

In fact, I could just comment here all afternoon and never have to type something insane like asfhfa oruhnfn.

Lisa Clarke said...

That would be fun for me, but probably just irritating enough for you that I'd find one of those little captcha buggers waiting for me on my next visit.

So I'll stop now :-)

bzzzzgrrrl said...

Lisa, you comment to your heart's content.

bzzzzgrrrl said...

Oh, and cousin, I have never been as blown away by a comment on this blog as I was to see you using Bible quotations. Nicely done.

Anonymous said...

That's so funny. I agree with everything you said.

vsinha said...

and as insidious a breakfast sans diet coke is, i'm going to dedicate my comment to how infinitely hilarious "arrested development" was. very little on tv funnier then and since. sadly, i only discovered that while on maternity leave after netflixing every season (which i'd been wanting to do for years beforehand, but suddenly found myself with time at home).