Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Binge reading

Those of you who pay attention to the side rail of this blog will notice that I've been reading a lot lately. This, too, is related to The Wedding (when my sister moved to her fiance's house, she got rid of books, and I took everything by Agatha Christie, which means I must read it all immediately), but that's beside the point.
The point is this:
When you live alone in a house that creaks some and has mice a little, and you already have an overactive imagination, it does not matter how brilliant a storyteller Ms. Christie is. You must put down And Then There Were None well before bedtime.


bzh said...

Yes, indeed you must.
And I, who lived in a townhouse that creaked and had mice a lot, and aldo had an overactive imagination, had to put down "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" well before bedtime.
Which, compared with Agatha Christie, is just damn sad.

Anonymous said...

"When you live alone in a house that creaks some and has mice a little, . . . "

This way you have of turning a phrase is one reason I enjoy your blog so much.

bzzzzgrrrl said...

Cousin, you have made my evening.

vsinha said...

coming from a girl who hates horror movies and read that book way too young and had to then go to her mother's bed after dark and ask to sleep with her as a result, i understand. i love AC and have that book now b/c its so good, but doesn't mean it scares me any less.

fribbles said...

Definitely one of dear Agatha's creepiest concoctions. And I haven't read it since I was 12, that was half a lifetime ago plus 3...I can't yet bring myself to do it again.

Keep telling yourself the house is settling. And crank up the stereo.

---I second Cousin Mouse's sentiment.