- She is a really smart political commentator on the television. Mainstream television. MSNBC.
- Despite the fact that she is an out lesbian in a committed relationship and a total nerd, everyone who does know who she is, regardless of sex or orientation, has a giant crush on her.
And I totally agree with her, philosophically. So, count me out.“I think the responsibility that we have as gay Americans,” she says, “is to the extent that we can - and we ought to be really ambitious about the extent to which we can - we have to be out.”
“That’s the thing that we owe the people who came before us who are the pioneers, and that’s the thing we owe the next generation of gay people in terms of clearing the way and making life easier for them. I think that there is a moral imperative to be out, and I think that if you’re not out, you have to come to an ethical understanding with yourself why you are not. And it shouldn’t be something that is excused lightly. I don’t think that people should be forced out of the closet, but I think that every gay person, sort of, ought to push themselves in that regard. Because it’s not just you. It’s for the community and it’s for the country.”
I have been out in my real life since 1992. Out to virtually everyone in my real life for a shorter time than that, but still a long time.
I've kept the queer off the blog because — I don't know. Probably because:
- It makes me more easily identifiable, in case people stumble here accidentally (everyone in my real life knows I'm queer, but not everyone in my real life knows I'm bzzzzgrrrl), and
- I am b i s e x u a l, and that is a word that, spelled without spaces, attracts absolutely the wrong kind of people to a blog (and, sometimes, to me personally), which is a bummer, and which is more easily dealt with in my real life, where I can give hard stares.
Does anyone read this blog who didn't know that? Maybe the one guy. Hey, keep coming back, one guy.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask 'em in the comments. Or use the comments to come out on the Internet yourself. Go nuts.
Update: It strikes me that who "absolutely the wrong kind of people" are is maybe not as clear to everyone as it is to me. Those people are the people who have bought into the pornography myth that my particular orientation means I will sleep with literally anyone. If you are one of those people who think I will sleep with literally anyone, you are mistaken. If you are merely mistaken, and not a total jackass, I am sorry to call you "absolutely the wrong kind of people," but you need to be disabused. Really, feel free to ask questions without fear.