Thursday, May 1, 2008

City things I miss that seem like they should be country things

This is likely not to be a recurring feature. If I can only think of one thing for this category in six months, it's probably not so much a "category," as it is a "thing."

I am sorry, friends in D.C., that I only thought of this later this morning. If I'd thought of it yesterday, I'd have told you where to go see it. Here's what it might have looked like:


Anonymous said...

Yes, it looked just like that! But, you could have found something similar in NH. They used to dance the sun up May Day morning at the peak of Pack Monadnock.

Something you are definately missing in DC is the heavy oak pollen. Achoo!

Anonymous said...

Much more reflective of your headline is the fact that one can run into this same pack of Morris dancers all over Washington pretty much year-round. I mention this for the benefit of those who think Washington is all lobbyists and bureaucrats.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mike.

Oh, wait, in the picture there is at least one bureaucrat (FDA) and one lobbyist (Truckers Association). Also one CIA employee. Er, and a lawyer.

Oh, dear.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe James passed up the opportunity to see THIS PICTURE get taken 4 years ago.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Ah, but there's also a cartoonist and an astrophysicist. If you knew only the morris crowd, you'd thing Washington had as many cartoonists and astrophysiciats as it has bureaucrats and lobbyists. Admittedly, that's a little misleading.